The EventData Class


The EventData Class

The EventData class provides a container to transport event data. An instantiated object of this class is created by an InteruptPortMM class for every OnInterrupt triggered and is passed as a parameter in the InterruptEventHandlerMM delegate


Source Code

The source code for this class is available online for download and also in browseable form.


Example Code

Example code which demonstrates the use of this class can be found on the Interrupt Port Example page.



public class EventData

A class to encapsulate event data.


Public Constructors

public EventData(InterruptPortMM portObjectIn)


portObjectIn - The InterruptPortMM object which is sending this event.


public EventData(InterruptPortMM portObjectIn, int evCodeIn, uint evValueIn)


portObjectIn - The InterruptPortMM object which is sending this event.
evCodeIn - A user specified code which appears in the events.
evValueIn - The current state of the pin 0 or 1 (low or high).


Public Methods

public override string ToString()

Outputs the event data as a nice human readable string. An example would be

GPIO=GPIO_49, date=2014-11-30 15:22:56.45677, evCode=00A4, evValue=1


Public Properties

public int EvCode { get; }

Gets the event code. This is a user defined value specified when the interrupt port was created. There is no set accessor - this value is set in the Constructor.

The user-defined identification code for this event.


public DateTime EventDateTime { get; }

Gets the event date time. Will never return null. There is no set accessor. The event dateTime is set when the event is created.

The datetime value when the event was created.


public GpioEnum EvGPIO { get; }

Gets the event GPIO. There is no set accessor - this value is derived from the PortObject.

The gpioID of the InterruptPortMM object that generated this event.


public int EvMSec { get; }

Gets the milli-seconds value of the event. There is no set accessor - this value is derived from the EventDateTime.

The milli-seconds value of the date and time this event was generated.


public int EvSec { get; }

Gets the seconds value of the event. There is no set accessor - this value is derived from the EventDateTime

The seconds value of the date and time this event was generated.


public long EvTicks { get; }

Gets the ticks value of the event.. There is no set accessor - this value is derived from the EventDateTime. A tick is 100 nano seconds or 0.1 micro sec.

The number of ticks of the date and time this event was generated.


public int EvUSec { get; }

Gets the micro-seconds value of the event. There is no set accessor - this value is derived from the EventDateTime.

The micro-seconds value of the date and time this event was generated.


public uint EvValue { get; }

Gets the event value. This will be 0 for pin is now low, 1 for pin is now high.

The state of the pin when the interrupt was generated.


public InterruptPortMM PortObject { get; set; }

Gets/Sets the port object which generated this event.

The InterruptPortMM object that generated this event.