PRU Interrupt Host Example PASM Code


About the PRU Interrupt To Host PASM Code

The code below is designed to work in either PRU of the Beaglebone Black and is intended to interact with the PRUInterruptHost example C# code. The comments in the code below and the discussion on the PRUInterruptHost example page describe the usage, operation and output of this example.

/// +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
/// |                                                   TERMS OF USE: MIT License                                                  |
/// +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
/// |Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation    |
/// |files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy,    |
/// |modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software|
/// |is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:                                                                   |
/// |                                                                                                                              |
/// |The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.|
/// |                                                                                                                              |
/// +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

/// +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=
///  PRUInterruptHost.p  - a PASM assembly language program, intended to run in
///                   the Beaglebone Black PRU and which will blink the USR3 
///                   LED a specified number of times once per second. Each
///                   time the LED is turned on or off an interrupt is generated
///                   for propagation to the userspace program. At the end 
///                   an interrupt is generated to let the userspace program
///                   know that the PRU code has terminated.
///                   This code is intended to be used with the BBBCSIO library
///                   PRUDriver code and this code sets up a specific mapping
///                   of interrupts to host channels. If you use other programs
///                   to launch this code then the mapping may not be the same
///                   (it probably won't be) and the interrupt transmission 
///                   mechanism probably will not work. The LEDs will still 
///                   blink. The BBBCSIO PRUDriver setup is structured so that...
///                      SYSINT16 appears on uio0. We use this for the TERMINATION signal
///                      SYSINT17 appears on uio1. We use this for the LED ON signal
///                      SYSINT18 appears on uio2. We use this for the LED OFF signal
///                   This code is intended for demonstration purposes 
///                   and hence has loops which may be confusing to the 
///                   novice unrolled and some code sections purposly 
///                   duplicated to make the structure as simple and linear
///                   as possible. It deliberately uses no include files and 
///                   contains rather more comments than one usually finds in 
///                   assembler source.
///                   Compile with the command
///                      pasm -b PRUInterruptHost.p
///                   This code was written as part of the BBBCSIO library
///                   which is designed to provide C#/Mono access to the 
///                   OCP Devices and PRU on a Beaglebone Black. Since this
///                   code is in PASM assembler, it is not really related to
///                   C#/Mono and you could compile and then run it 
///                   using any language which can load a binary into the 
///                   Beaglebone Black PRU.
///               References to the PRM refer to the AM335x PRU-ICSS Reference Guide
///               References to the TRM refer to the AM335x Sitara Processors
///                   Technical Reference Manual
///               History
///                   05 Jun 15  Cynic - Originally Written
///               Home Page
/// +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=

.origin 0
.entrypoint START

// the number of times we blink the LED

// this is the address of the BBB GPIO Bank1 Register. We set bits in special locations in offsets
// here to put a GPIO high or low. It so happens that the BBB USR LED3 is tied to the 24th bit.
// Note GPIO's still have to be enabled in the PINMUX if you want to see the signal on the 
// BBB P8 and P9 Headers. The USR LED3 is usually mux'ed in by default so it is a good one to
// use as an example.
#define GPIO_BANK1 0x4804c000

// set up a value that has a 1 in bit 24. We will later use this to toggle the state of LED3
#define GPIO1_LED3BIT 1<<24

// at this offset various GPIOs are associated with a bit position. Writing a 32 bit value to 
// this offset enables them (sets them high) if there is a 1 in a corresponding bit. A zero 
// in a bit position here is ignored - it does NOT turn the associated GPIO off.
#define GPIO_SETDATAOUT 0x194

// you may think that you turn off (set low) a GPIO by writing a 0 somewhere. After all, you set it
// high with a 1 so why not set it low with a 0. That is NOT the way it works. 
// We set a GPIO low by writing to this offset. In the 32 bit value we write, if a bit is 1 the 
// GPIO goes low. If a bit is 0 it is ignored. Thus we can write the same value (GPIO1_LED3BIT 
// in this example) to two different registers in order to turn it on and then off again.

// this defines a memory location inside the PRU's address space which we can use to enable
// the PRU to see the BBB's memory as if it were the PRU's memory (and other things too).
#define REGISTER_PRUCFG 0x00026000

        // this label is where the code execution starts

        // Enable the OCP master port, this is what allows the PRU to read/write to the 
        // BBB's main memory (rather than the PRU's own memory). The BBB main memory
        // will be mapped into the PRU address space and you can use it in the PRU as
        // if it belonged to the PRU. Note that the code below will only permit the 
        // PRU to access BBB memory addresses above 0x0008_0000 unless you go to a bit 
        // of extra trouble. This is because below 0x0008_0000 you are hitting the 
        // PRU's own memory regions. See the PRM page 19 Section 3.1.1

        MOV       r3, REGISTER_PRUCFG       // mov the address of the PRUs CFG register into R3
        LBBO      r0, r3, 4, 4              // use R3 to get the contents of the PRUCFG register into R0
        CLR       r0, r0, 4                 // Clear bit 4. This will enable the OCP master port
                                            //     see the PRM page 272 section 10.1.2
        SBBO      r0, r3, 4, 4              // write the modified contents back out

        MOV r0, NUMBER_OF_BLINKS            // this is the number of times we wish to blink          

        // there are three loops in this code. The outermost loop defined by the BLINK
        // label executes once for each on/off cycle of the LED. L1 and L2 are half second
        // delay loops

BLINK:  MOV R1, 50000000                    // set up for a half second delay

        // perform a half second delay
L1:     SUB R1, R1, 1                       // subtract 1 from R1
        QBNE L1, R1, 0                      // is R1 == 0? if no, then goto L1

        // now we turn the LED3 on
        MOV R2, GPIO1_LED3BIT               // reload R2 with the USR3 LEDs enable/disable bit
        MOV R3, GPIO_BANK1+GPIO_SETDATAOUT  // load the address to we wish to set. Note that the
                                            // operation GPIO_BANK1+GPIO_SETDATAOUT is performed
                                            // by the assembler at compile time and the resulting  
                                            // constant value is used. The addition is NOT done 
                                            // at runtime by the PRU!
        SBBO R2, R3, 0, 4                   // write the contents of R2 out to the memory address
                                            // contained in R3. Use no offset from that address
                                            // and copy all 4 bytes of R2

        // send the LED ON event. The 0x20 is required because we have to set bit 5 high
        // on the write or the interrupt will not get triggered. The 1 represents SysInt17 - the 
        // event number we use to signal the LED ON to the user space program. We use 
        // 0x20|01 since we can only write to bits[3-0] and 1 is the low four bits of 17
        // Another way to think of it is that if we write a 1 here it will appear as PRU_EVENT_1
        // in the BBBCSIO PRUDriver subsystem
        MOV r31.b0, 0x20|1

        // perform a half second delay. Note the delay works because of the determinate nature
        // of the execution times of PRU instructions. Instructions that do not reference data
        // RAM take 5ns. We have two instructions in our loop (the SUB and the QBNE). If you do the
        // math on that you find that a value of 50000000 gives you a half second delay. Of course
        // we are ignoring the time taken by all the other instructions because the small amount of
        // time they take does not add much error. One can conceive of applications where one might
        // have to take note of such things and compensate.

        MOV R1, 50000000                    // set up for a half second delay
L2:     SUB R1, R1, 1                       // subtract 1 from R1
        QBNE L2, R1, 0                      // is R1 == 0? if no, then goto L2

        // now we turn the LED3 off again
        MOV R2, GPIO1_LED3BIT               // reload R2 with the USR3 LEDs enable/disable bit
        MOV R3, GPIO_BANK1+GPIO_CLEARDATAOUT// load the address we wish to write to. Note that every
                                            // bit that is a 1 will turn off the associated GPIO
                                            // we do NOT write a 0 to turn it off. 0's are simply ignored.
        SBBO R2, R3, 0, 4                   // write the contents of R2 out to the memory address
                                            // contained in R3. Use no offset from that address
                                            // and copy all 4 bytes of R2

        // send the LED OFF event. The 0x20 is required because we have to set bit 5 high
        // on the write or the interrupt will not get triggered. The 2 represents SysInt18 - the 
        // event number we use to signal the LED OFF to the user space program. We use 
        // 0x20|02 since we can only write to bits[3-0] and 2 is the low four bits of 18
        // Another way to think of it is that if we write a 2 here it will appear as PRU_EVENT_2
        // in the BBBCSIO PRUDriver subsystem
        MOV r31.b0, 0x20|2

        // the bottom of the BLINK loop. Note that R0 contains the number of remaining blinks. It
        // is UP TO YOU to remember that and not use R0 for something else in the code above. There 
        // is no safety net in assembler :-)
        SUB R0, R0, 1
        QBNE BLINK, R0, 0

        // if we get here we have blinked the led as many times as we need to.
        // Delay for another half a second to let any interrupts we have sent
        // propagate down to userspace 
        MOV R1, 50000000                    // set up for a half second delay
L3:     SUB R1, R1, 1                       // subtract 1 from R1
        QBNE L3, R1, 0                      // is R1 == 0? if no, then goto L3

        // send the TERMINATION event. The 0x20 is required because we have to set bit 5 high
        // on the write or the interrupt will not get triggered. The 0 represents SysInt16 - the 
        // event number we use to signal the TERMINATION to the user space program. We use 
        // 0x20|00 since we can only write to bits[3-0] and 0 is the low four bits of 16
        // Another way to think of it is that if we write a 0 here it will appear as PRU_EVENT_0
        // in the BBBCSIO PRUDriver subsystem
        MOV r31.b0, 0x20|0

        HALT                                // stop the PRU