The TermiosStruct Struct


The TermiosStruct Struct

The TermiosStruct struct defines the ioctl transfer structure used by the /dev/ttyO? version of the SerialPorts on the Beaglebone Black.


Source Code

The source code for this class is available online for download and also in browseable form.



    public struct TermiosStruct
        public UInt32  c_iflag;           // input mode flags 

        public UInt32  c_oflag;           // output mode flags

        public UInt32  c_cflag;           // control mode flags

        public UInt32  c_lflag;           // local mode flags

        public UInt32  c_line;            // line discipline

        [MarshalAsAttribute(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 32)]
        public string c_cc;
        public UInt32  c_ispeed;          // input speed

        public UInt32  c_ospeed;          // output speed