The GPIOPinMuxModeEnum Enum


The GPIOPinMuxModeEnum Enum

The GPIOPinMuxModeEnum enum defines the possible GPIO Functions. Note that the value here corresponds to the three bit value we would expect to see in the function register for that mode.


Source Code

The source code for this class is available online for download and also in browseable form.



    public enum GPIOPinMuxModeEnum
        GPIOMODE_INPUT = 0x0,
        GPIOMODE_OUTPUT = 0x1,
        GPIOMODE_ALT0 = 0x4,
        GPIOMODE_ALT1 = 0x5,
        GPIOMODE_ALT2 = 0x6,
        GPIOMODE_ALT3 = 0x7,
        GPIOMODE_ALT4 = 0x3,
        GPIOMODE_ALT5 = 0x2,